Hi again after a long time!
I am well aware that I am neglecting my blog a lot as the number of my responsibilities are increasing. However,I am really happy to push myself more in order to achieve my goals and come up with new ideas thanks to interaction with colleagues.
EVO 2009 started on Sunday.I am really excited about the event as EVO 2009 is different from other EVO events as I am co-moderating a session on digital storytelling with one of my Turkish colleagues Sedat Akayoğlu. Actually I had co-moderated a week last year in tips and tricks workshop with another colleague, Vanessa Vaile but it took only a week. However,I am going to moderate the session for six weeks so it requires more work and responsibilities apart from the ones at the university and the master's program.
Our session began this weeek with introductions. Then the participants were asked to watch four videos and comment on them. Tonight we are going to share reflections in WIZIQ and meet synchronously with the participants. I am really excited to meet them for the first time synchronously and discover the dynamics of the group.
I am going to share my reflections more after the session in WIZIQ in my blog.
If you want to learn more about our digitalstorytelling session you can visit our group wiki below and check the activities :
Let's keep interacting and sharing ;)
When I wasn't dreaming
4 years ago